If I could give someone's blog post a "blog post of the year" award, it would be this one...

XO Jane's Post:  "If I Hear One More Word About Beach Bodies, I'm Gonna Strangle Somebody With a Tankini"

Once again, I've never been much of a blog reader, but when a facebook friend posted a link earlier this year, I couldn't resist reading a blog post with that title.  (You had better have clicked that link and read it... if not, do it now!  It opens in a separate window).

Anyhow... I have thought about that blog post all summer... no, I didn't suddenly say "shove it world, I'm going to the beach!" and run out and buy a bathing suit for the first time in years... but it has been simmering in my mind.  It made me start looking at the people around me... most notably, when I took my child to swimming lessons at which time there was also a small portion of the pool set aside for public swim... and... most of those people were on par with me... or... bigger!  AND, they weren't even hiding behind a towel and suddenly slipping into the pool hoping no one saw them... like I think I might have done!

I've been on and off thinking about getting a bathing suit since then.  Sometimes, I google websites and find it discouraging... seems there aren't that many bathing suits out there with "special engineering" to keep those larger bits that are important to me up where they belong... or, at least not without bleeding my wallet dry. 

BUT!  It is nearing the end of season... and... that means clearance time... which means.... something affordable could be out there!  Indeed... I was rewarded... this morning I ordered a tankini top with all the fancy engineering to make me feel good about my top half... even if it is purple - the tankini, not my top half.  So, give me another 2-4 days and I will be half way there to having a bathing suit... just need to find bottoms to go with it... as I am afraid the bottoms that they were selling were far smaller than bottoms I would be happy to wear.

Another sinker for me... my other child is terrified of water and has announced that he will go to the pool (for the first time ever) if its just me and him... so, I can't let him down... even if I do suspect he will scream and refuse to actually get into the pool once we get there... because, just maybe he will get over his fear of the pool... and I will discover I actually do like wearing a bathing suit... we'll see, will keep you updated.  :)

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