After my more stress filled blog entries of late, I am happy to have something else to post about that isn't filling me with stress right now.

Back at the end of January I joined a website called BzzAgent (there is also a US version ending in .com rather than  The premise of the website is that you fill out a lot of surveys (I think there were around 80 when I started) that ask you different questions about your life, activities, interests and habits (more or less), and based on these surveys they match you with campaigns.  Campaigns are pretty much advertizing campaigns where companies provide free samples of their products for target groups to try out.  As a BzzAgent you use the product and fill out some easy online activities, such as commenting and sharing on facebook or twitter through the BzzAgent page, taking photos and writing reviews with your honest opinion and experience.

It took a few months but I received my first campaign for two E45 lotions.  The classic E45 and a new E45 Nourish & Restore Lotion.  Here is the bzz kit I received.

My kit contains two full sized bottles for me to use, a booklet explaining a bit about E45 and what I can do as a BzzAgent and 10 sample packs to pass out to people I know.

So, we (my daughter and I) set out to start using the product to see how it went.

I started with the Nourish & Restore lotion and after a few applications realized it was causing me itching for about awhile after using it so I stopped using that one.  I have continued using the classic E45 with split results.  It works great on my neck and chest areas.  It has relieved the dry itching on my legs however has not improved the texture of my skin.  And it has had no effect on my hands or feet.

My daughter, who is 8, has been using the Nourish & Restore lotion on her hands.  I have chosen to photo document this as her hands were the worst affected by dryness.

Here is her hand on day 1.
Just a note:  I was trying to take consistent pictures to show the changes better... but it seems that using natural sunlight isn't that consistent for there are differences in the light in my pictures. 

Anyhow... in this first picture you can see her hand doesn't at all look like 8 year old skin, which should be supple and not lined.  Her skin looked very scale, red, on the verge of cracking and if you can look closely was also flaking.

We were already working on using creams on her skin to dry and improve the dryness.

Here is a photo of her hand on day 5.

The redness and flaking is gone and some of the scaliness has improved.  I think we have a long way to go yet but this is where we are so far.

My honest opinion is that I suspect this is as far as this cream will take her... but we will continue to use this cream to see what other improvements may be ahead.

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